Economics Departments in Spain

Is the quality of your academic writing affecting your career prospects? When hiring managers in academia and industry don’t respond to your job applications, your CV and cover letter may be understating your qualifications. And when journals reject your submissions because of pervasive language issues, the quality of your writing is definitely holding back your research contributions.
Let our professional editing and proofreading team fix your economics journal articles and our CV writing service improve your job application materials as you search for industry and academic jobs.
For a guide to economics departments from universities across Spain, see the following list.
Improving the quality of your written communication will help you achieve your career goals in Spain. We can edit your journal articles for grammar, spelling, formatting, word choice, sentence structure, style, and consistency. We can also deeply edit your existing CV or create a new one from scratch for you, write a customized cover letter, and/or fine-tune your LinkedIn profile so your application gets the consideration it deserves.