Professional English Editing and Proofreading in Hungary

We can help you produce quality writing.
No matter how knowledgeable and skilled you are in your chosen field, you won’t have the glowing reputation you deserve if your English writing is subpar. As the best editing and proofreading service in Hungary, helps Hungarian scholars and business writers alike produce high-quality writing. Jobseekers throughout Hungary benefit from our detailed resume reviews, authors from Buda Castle to the Chain Bridge take advantage of our detailed manuscript editing, and doctoral students seek our proofreading services for their research papers. Our team of experienced editors and proofreaders will provide you with exceptional editing at blazing speeds.
[Request a free proofreading quote here.]
We offer a variety of editing and proofreading services from Budapest to Szeged.
Hundreds of academic, literary, and business writers in the Heart of Europe have used our services to polish their documents and prepare them for submission and/or publication.
- We know how stressful meeting academic deadlines can be. We have worked with advanced degree students and professors at the University of Szeged, Eötvös Loránd University, and the University of Debrecen to get their scholarly papers completed in a timely manner and to ensure that their ideas are clear.
- The way a business proposal is written can determine whether or not you get the contract you want. We have helped professionals in a variety of fields get their English websites up and running and marketing documents published. Business writers across Hungary, from Budapest to Debrecen, regularly use our services for all their English writing needs.
- After putting hour after hour into writing your novel, the last thing you want is a rejection letter or a poor review. We offer several publishing services for authors in Hungary, including detailed grammar editing, style guide formatting, and even cover design.
- When Hungarian is your native language, it can be difficult to produce English documents that read clearly. We have reviewed English drafts for hundreds of Hungarian writers for clarity, word choice, and grammar accuracy.
- When you send an important email or letter, accurate grammar and the ability to effectively communicate are vital to a positive reception. We can help you with all your writing projects, large and small, fast and slow.
Our editing and proofreading services are unparalleled and available 24/7.
You might be wondering how we ensure that you receive consistently exceptional work. When selecting editors for our talented team, we only select applicants with extensive backgrounds in professional writing, editing, and proofreading who excel on a series of thorough editing and proofreading tests and claim English as their native language. We edit according to US, UK, Canadian, and Australian English standards.
Writers in Hungary and the surrounding countries of Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia who would like a professional review of their writing can rest assured; our elite team of editors and proofreaders will provide top-quality editing that is returned to them before their deadlines.
Free samples are available without spending a single forint.
Because we are so sure that you will be pleased with our English editing services, we are delighted to offer you a free sample of our editing and proofreading services. See what our editors can do for you by clicking on the below link:
[Get your free sample here.]