50 Christian Book Publishers You Need to Know

Ambassador International was founded by Dr. Samuel Lowry in 1980 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. After 15 years and hundreds of titles, Dr. Lowry believed moving his company overseas would be beneficial, and thus began the American office in Greenville, South Carolina.
Ambassador International
Greenville, SC, USA
American Catholic Press (ACP) is a publisher of hymnals, missals, books, and other materials for the liturgy, both in celebration and education.
American Catholic Press
South Holland, IL, USA
Now established as a major Catholic book publisher and still under the ownership of the United States Province of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Ave Maria Press is home to Sorin Books, Forest of Peace, and Christian Classics. It perpetuates Fr. Sorin’s vision to honor Mary and provides an important outlet for good Catholic writing. Ave Maria is also recognized as a leader in publishing Catholic high school religion textbooks, parish resources, and books on prayer and spirituality.
Ave Maria Press
Notre Dame, IN, USA
B&H Publishing Group, an imprint of LifeWay Christian Resources, is a team of mission-minded people with a passion for taking God’s Word to the world. Because it believes Every Word Matters, it seeks to provide intentional, Bible-centered content that positively impacts the hearts and minds of people, inspiring them to build a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ.
B&H Publishing Group
Nashville, TN, USA
Baker Publishing Group publishes high-quality writings that represent historic Christianity and serve the diverse interests and concerns of evangelical readers.
Baker Publishing Group
Ada, MI, USA
Since the company began as Book Bargains in 1981, much has happened to bring this company from a small remainder seller into a prominent Christian publisher. When Hugh Barbour began buying and reselling other publishers’ excess stock, he was introducing a new concept to Christian bookstores. Soon, though, the new company began publishing its own titles, beginning with the classic allegory The Pilgrim’s Progress in 1984.
Barbour Publishing
Uhrichsville, OH, USA
Baxter Press is run by Pat Springle, an author who knows how important your book is to you. Baxter Press is named after Richard Baxter, the 17th-century English pastor who was known for his ability to profoundly apply the Scriptures.
Baxter Press
Friendswood, TX, USA
Bethany House has been publishing high-quality books for over 50 years. Recognized as the pioneer and leader in Christian fiction, it publishes over 75 new fiction and nonfiction titles annually in subjects including historical and contemporary fiction, Christian living, devotional, family resources, and theology. Its titles are frequently found on Christian bestseller lists.
Bethany House
Ada, MI, USA
Canon Press creates and provides products that sketch a vision of a whole life, a whole culture: a life full of beauty, tradition, education, community, laughter, and celebration, unashamed of Christ, and sharply at odds with the values of modernity—a mature culture with the church at the center, living out the good life one family at a time.
Canon Press
Moscow, ID, USA
Not all faith-based publishing is Fox News, the Moral Majority, and televangelists. For a growing movement of progressive Christians and the spiritual but not religious audience, Chalice Press offers a vital alternative to the conservative theology that dominates bookshelves. Today, Chalice Press is the go-to publisher for progressive Christians.
Chalice Press
St. Louis, MO, USA
With a religious publishing heritage dating back to 1918 and headquartered today in New York City, CPI is an official publisher of worship materials and resources for the Episcopal Church, plus a multi-faceted publisher and supplier to the broader ecumenical marketplace.
Church Publishing Inc.
New York, NY, USA
CLC Publications (formerly Christian Literature Crusade) is the English-language publishing house for CLC Ministries International. Headquartered in Fort Washington, PA, CLC has published books for the deeper Christian life for over 50 years.
CLC Publications
Fort Washington, PA, USA
Since 1959, College Press Publishing Company has been partnering with churches, Bible Colleges, and Christians around the world to bring relevant and challenging materials into the lives of growing Christians worldwide. With hundreds of titles in publication and more than 50 years of customer satisfaction, College Press has established itself as a leader in providing local churches with accessible, Bible-based material. Age-specific Sunday School curricula, doctrinally sound Bible commentaries, and engaging devotional books have become the hallmark of the College Press brand.
College Press
Joplin, MO, USA
Concordia Publishing House is the publishing arm of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. It exists for the purposes of strengthening and aiding member congregations in their proclamation of the Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ and working in partnership with the agencies and congregations of the synod to provide publishing services. On their behalf, Concordia Publishing House develops, produces, markets, and distributes products and services that are faithful to the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions and which effectively serve such proclamation to people throughout the world.
Concordia Publishing House
St. Louis, MO, USA
The Crossroad Publishing Company is a leading independent publisher with roots in the 200-year-old family heritage of the publishing house of Herder, in existence since 1798. The Crossroad Publishing Company was first developed in 1980 as an influential imprint at the Episcopal Seabury Press, and is heir to the prestigious booklists of B. Herder Book Company, founded 1884 in St. Louis, Missouri, and later Herder & Herder in New York.
Crossroad Publishing Company
Danvers, MA, USA
The English Standard Version (ESV) is an “essentially literal” translation of the Bible in contemporary English. Created by a team of more than 100 leading evangelical scholars and pastors, the ESV Bible emphasizes “word-for-word” accuracy, literary excellence, and depth of meaning.
Wheaton, IL, USA
Dake Publishing Inc. has been family owned and operated since its inception in 1961. It is a Christian publishing company, boldly proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Birthed by the publication of the Dake Annotated Reference Bible, the company has grown out of the writing ministry of Rev. Finis Jennings Dake.
Dake Publishing
Lawrenceville, GA, USA
Dancing with Bear Publishing is a full-service innovative Christian publishing house and strives to publish only the best works that glorify God and help people in their walk with the Lord.
Dancing with Bear Publishing
Antlers, OK, USA
David C. Cook is a ministry that publishes and distributes discipleship and worship materials that are transforming lives around the world.
David C. Cook
Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Emmaus Road Publishing has been producing solid Catholic content for nearly 20 years. Originally started by Dr. Hahn as a distinct apostolate from the St. Paul Center, the reunion of these two ministries in 2015 has precipitated explosive growth. Publishing more than 30 titles each year and partnering with up-and-coming Catholic scholars has already borne fruit: its new academic imprint, Emmaus Academic.
Emmaus Road Publishing
Steubenville, OH, USA
FaithWords, a division of Hachette Book Group, is a top publisher of books and resources for the Christian inspirational market.
Nashville, TN, USA
Focus Publishing was formed in 1992 on the foundation that Christian effectiveness is based on faithfulness. Its mission is to produce books that promote the total lordship of Jesus Christ in the lives of readers.
Focus Publishing
Bemidji, MN, USA
Originally founded in 1933 by Dr. Henrietta Mears, Gospel Light has been a leader in the publishing of Sunday school curriculum and church ministry resources that help church leaders fulfill the mission of the church to know Christ and to make Him known. As part of the David C. Cook family, Gospel Light is committed to “equipping the church with Christ-centered resources for making and teaching disciples who obediently transform today’s generations.”
Gospel Light Publications
Colorado Springs, CO, USA
For over a decade, Greg Kofford Books has been a leading publisher in Mormon studies, with award-winning books focusing on Mormon history, theology, scripture, and thought.
Greg Kofford Books
Draper, UT, USA
In November 1975, Buddy and Pat Harrison launched Harrison House Publishers, releasing their first titles in 1976. Since then, Harrison House has published and distributed more than 100 million books in 42 languages and in more than 175 countries. Since Dr. Harrison’s homegoing in November of 1998, Harrison House has continued to publish the uncompromised Word of God.
Harrison House Publishers
Tulsa, OK, USA
Harvest House Publishers was conceived in 1974 with just five titles and a dream in the heart of its founder, Bob Hawkins, Sr., to publish books to help the hurts of people. Within two years, five of its titles had sold over 100,000 copies and one title was on the bestseller list for eight months in a row. By the late 1980s, Harvest House was among the top 10 publishers of Christian literature. The company publishes more than 150 new books each year and offers a strong backlist of more than 1,200 titles.
Harvest House Publishers
Eugene, OR, USA
Azimuth Media is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is a work of members of the Lord’s body. Its aim is to provide the training and tools to local congregations to help them more effectively carry out the Great Commission.
Hopkins Publishing
Cleburne, TX, USA
Impact serves the Christian community as a distributor of Christ-centered materials, specializing in the areas of healing, deliverance, and testimonies of the power of God. Its books are distributed worldwide, and numerous titles have been translated into more than a dozen languages.
Impact Christian Publishing
Kirkwood, MO, USA
Located in Westmont, Illinois, InterVarsity Press has been publishing thoughtful Christian books for more than 70 years. An extension of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA, IVP is a leading Christian publisher with a respected history providing resources that strengthen the church, encourage individuals, and shape the academy.
InterVarsity Press
Downers Grove, IL, USA
The J. S. Paluch Company Inc. is dedicated to serving Catholic parishes, religious communities, and organizations across the United States. Founded by John S. Paluch in 1913, the J. S. Paluch Company remains a family-owned business.
S. Paluch Co. Inc.
Franklin Park, IL, USA
Judson Press is the publishing ministry of American Baptist Churches USA, a historic Protestant denomination that includes 1.5 million members in 5,600 congregations in the United States and Puerto Rico.
Judson Press
Valley Forge, PA, USA
Light & Life began very quietly in 1966 without any inkling of some day becoming a major Orthodox publishing company. Over time, it has published more than 200 titles. Additionally, a host of booklets and pamphlets on various topics have also been printed.
Light & Life Publishing
Edina, MN, USA
Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas is all about books and reading and reaching readers who enjoy clean, wholesome fiction with powerful stories that do not preach or offend the senses. While its Christian Living and devotional books seek to build up the Church and challenge readers to grow spiritually, that’s not the primary goal of its fiction. To entertain—that is the main purpose of its fiction. LPC does not consider itself a Christian publisher, only a publisher whose authors and editors may consider themselves Christians. With that said, odds are readers will often find an inspirational thread running through many of its novels, but a spiritual narrative is not a requirement. It seeks to publish great stories with strong moral values and a clear sense of right and wrong.
Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas
Raleigh, NC, USA
The works of Liguori Publications are educational and pastoral. Perhaps its most well-known product is Liguorian magazine, which celebrated 100 years of publication in 2013. It publishes inspirational and educational hardcover and paperback books on spirituality, prayer and meditation, and devotions. For parishes, it offers sacramental-preparation, catechetical, and faith-formation products such as Bible study, Sunday bulletins, pamphlets, and a Catholic vacation Bible school. Many of its publications are offered in both English and Spanish.
Liguori Publications
Liguori, MO, USA
Liturgical Press began publishing for the Church in 1926. Since then, its dedicated staff has continued to sustain its original mission of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Liturgical Press
Collegeville, MN, USA
Majestic Publishing LLC was created in 2003 to be the home of the Jacy Search for Jesus series and to produce Christian books with an emphasis on children’s titles.
Majestic Publishing
Lithonia, GA, USA
Moody Publishers is a nonprofit Christian publishing house located in the River North neighborhood of Chicago, IL. Since being founded by D. L. Moody in 1894, Moody Publishers has distributed more than 300 million books, spanning from Bible commentary and reference to spiritual and relational growth, as well as award-winning fiction.
Moody Publishers
Chicago, IL, USA
New City Press is one of more than 20 publishing houses of the Focolare Movement. Founded in 1943 by Chiara Lubich, the Focolare began with a small community in Trent, Italy, who felt called to bring about the unity that Jesus prayed for to the Father: “That they may all be one” (Jn 17:21). Today, it is a worldwide movement approved by the Catholic Church.
New City Press
Hyde Park, NY, USA
New Leaf Press offers a broad spectrum of inspirational titles for families and ministries including gift books, church leadership resources, and children’s Bibles.
New Leaf Press
Green Forest, AR, USA
Nordskog Publishing is committed to finding and publishing meaty, tasty, and easily digestible books on Christian theology, American and Church history, and Christ-honoring true stories of men and women of great faith.
Nordskog Publishing
Ventura, CA, USA
P&R, which stands for “Presbyterian and Reformed,” is dedicated to publishing excellent books that promote biblical understanding and godly living as summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms.
P&R Publishing
Phillipsburg, NJ, USA
Perfect Praise Publishing is a Christian family-owned and operated publishing company that began in 1999.
Perfect Praise Publishing
Williston, ND, USA
Publishing Designs Inc. publishes and markets for writers in the interest of churches of Christ.
Publishing Designs Inc.
Huntsville, AL, USA
H. Boyd Publishing Corporation is recognized as a leading producer of a wide variety of literature and church supplies for over 100 years. It specializes in the development of contemporary Christian education materials for churches and families that provide positive African American imagery and nurturing Christian values.
H. Boyd Publishing Corporation
Nashville, TN, USA
Resource Publications has existed since 1981 and began developing the Truth for Today Commentary series in 2001.
Resource Publications
Searcy, AR, USA
Rose Publishing creates full-color products (award-winning books, wall charts, pamphlets, DVD-based curriculum, and PowerPoints). They are designed for personal, church, small group, and school use and are packed with easy-to-understand diagrams, illustrations, maps, photos, charts, and time lines to bring Christian teachings to life.
Rose Publishing
Carson, CA, USA
Sceptor Publishers publishes books that help men and women find God in ordinary life and to realize sanctity in their work, family life, and everyday activities.
Sceptor Publishers
Strongsville, OH, USA
Sophia Institute Press publishes and distributes faithful Catholic classics and new texts by the great enduring figures of the Catholic intellectual tradition. It has published 300 titles and distributed 3 million books worldwide to hundreds of thousands of individuals, bookstores, and institutions. Sophia’s authors include St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Therese of Lisieux, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, Dietrich von Hildebrand, and many others.
Sophia Institute Press
Manchester, NH, USA
Whitaker House is dedicated to proclaiming the gospel to the lost and flooding the world with life-changing literature of eternal value.
Whitaker House
New Kensington, PA, USA
Zondervan, part of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, is a world leading Bible publisher and provider of Christian communications. Zondervan delivers transformational Christian experiences through its bestselling Bibles, books, curricula, academic resources, and digital products. The company’s products are sold in multiple formats, worldwide in more than 60 countries, translated into nearly 200 languages. Zondervan is the North American publisher and licensee of the NIV Bible translation.
Grand Rapids, MI, USA