Copywriting: A Practical Guide for Business Owners

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Copywriting combines the craft of writing with the art of selling. It is essentially the practice of using words to entice consumers to make a purchase. Great copywriting can elevate your business to heady heights, attracting new customers and boosting profits. Poor copywriting, on the other hand, can damage your credibility and severely harm your professional reputation, so it’s vital to hire a skilled copywriter.

A successful copywriter is not only a master of creating succinct and effective texts, but they also have insight into marketing and advertising strategies. In other words, they are experts in both writing and marketing. Note that copywriting doesn’t entail hoodwinking consumers—it’s simply a way of presenting a product or service in the most appealing light possible. That’s the power of great writing.

If you want to keep up with your competitors but don’t have the time or the experience to write great copy yourself, try our business copywriting services

What is copywriting? 

Copywriting can come in various forms, depending on the industry. When hiring a copywriter for your business, you must consider what industries their experience covers and whether they’re a match for your organization. For example, a highly experienced copywriter catering exclusively to law firms may not be the best fit for your online apparel-selling venture. If your business isn’t overly specialized, the copywriter’s industry experience won’t be as important, but ideally, you want to find someone who knows your field. 

You should request samples from the copywriter to determine whether their writing style works for your business. Since they’ll be representing your organization through their words, it’s important to hire a copywriter who can emulate the voice you want associated with it.

An experienced copywriter will craft texts with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind. Optimized copy will boost traffic to your corporate website and help your brand pop up in search results. The copywriter should understand the importance of integrating essential and relevant keywords when producing materials for your business. However, SEO is an art as much as it is a science, and a skilled copywriter knows not only which keywords to insert but also how to include them naturally so that the text still flows well.  

It’s important to remember that effective copywriting only goes so far. Behind the persuasive marketing language, there must be a product or service that is just as good as the copy claims.

The benefits of hiring copywriters

With so many of today’s businesses operating virtually, it’s more critical than ever to make a striking first impression on consumers. Given that information is so readily accessible, people browsing online will likely only stop to peruse your corporate website for mere moments, so you have precious little time to capture their attention before they move on.

This is why copywriting is so essential for the growth of your business. If you want to attract as many patrons as possible, you need words that instantly engage them and sell them your product or service. This applies not only to your company’s web pages but also to its social media accounts and everything in between—product and service descriptions, taglines, headlines, advertisements, and more. However, it’s a delicate balancing act—you need engaging copy that draws in readers, reflects the voice you want for your business, and talks up your products or services while remaining truthful. That’s not easy for an amateur writer to achieve—you need an experienced copywriter.

Copywriters can do a lot for your business website, including the following:

  • They can clearly and accurately communicate your corporate mission and values, which attracts patrons with similar beliefs and needs.
  • They can maintain consistency across all your content with a uniform writing style and repeated keywords, thus cultivating brand awareness and creating a trademark for your business.
  • They can persuade consumers to follow calls to action (CTAs), such as subscribing to your email newsletter, following your business on social media, making purchases, and more. They include all sorts of relevant links in the copy they write to direct readers to other parts of your website.
  • They can elevate your business above the competition by highlighting its unique characteristics. 

How we can help you

If you need effective copy for your business website, social media pages, and other marketing platforms, consider the various ways in which we can help you out. With our diverse team of accomplished copywriters, you have a wide choice of talented professionals, making it easy to find the right person to represent your business.

Here are a few of the services we can provide:

  • Writing appealing descriptions for the products or services in your portfolio
  • Increasing your web traffic through optimized copy
  • Composing white papers that attract patrons
  • Writing engaging content for your social media accounts 

We have a carefully curated system that ensures optimal communication on both ends and guarantees that your needs are met. 

Below is a summary of how we proceed:

  • Discuss your copywriting needs.
  • Learn more about your industry.
  • Present a preliminary plan for your appraisal.
  • Incorporate your feedback.
  • Write polished, high-quality copy for your business. 

If this sounds good to you, hire one of our experienced copywriters and experience the difference great copy can make for your business!

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