Deluxe Author Package with Manuscript Development

Let's Do This - Contact UsWhen self-publishing or seeking out a traditional publisher, you want to ensure your manuscript is perfect, reflecting the months or even years you’ve put into it. In this package, three different editors will review and develop your manuscript, focusing on structure and narrative arc as well as style and grammar concerns.

First Editing Round (Manuscript Development)

Initial phone/Skype consultation—You and your first editor, responsible for manuscript development, will speak by phone or Skype to go over your goals for your manuscript and any concerns or stylistic guidelines you would like addressed during your three rounds of editing.

Manuscript development—Your first editor will work with you to address any structural concerns you have about your book: For fiction, this means your editor will focus on your narrative arc, whereas a nonfiction editor will focus on your clarity of message. Your first editor can also suggest ways to shorten or lengthen your manuscript to bring it in line with industry standards. (If you would rather focus on style and grammar than deep manuscript development, we recommend our Deluxe Author Package.) Your developmental editor will return your manuscript with comprehensive developmental comments in the margins.

Detailed manuscript development editorial letter—Your first editor will provide a multipage letter outlining how you can build on your manuscript's best material and improve on problem areas. For fiction, the editorial letter will touch on elements such as story structure and characterization. For nonfiction, your editor will discuss the flow of information, use of citations, and any other points that may need clarification.

One-hour manuscript development consultation—After delivering your manuscript and editorial letter, your first editor will consult with you via Skype or phone. You'll discuss the best ways to implement the manuscript development recommendations, brainstorm ideas, and ask any questions you have.

Second Editing Round (Style and Grammar)

Style and grammar review—After you’ve taken a few weeks to implement any changes to your plot, characterization, and style that you wish to make, a second editor will review your manuscript line by line. This editor will make suggestions to improve the tone and style of your manuscript, focusing on elements like dialogue and individual sentence structure, and will correct distracting grammar errors.

Detailed style and grammar editorial letter—Your second editor will explain the edits to your manuscript in a multipage letter, discussing the strengths and areas for improvement in your unique writing style. This letter will complement the changes your editor makes using Microsoft Word’s Track Changes feature and will provide a deeper overview of any consistent grammar errors so you know how to address them in future writing.

Third Editing Round (A Final Polish)

Final review—After you’ve reviewed the style and grammar edits and implemented any further changes you wish to make, we’ll assign a third person—a proofreader—to review your finalized manuscript and eliminate remaining errors, such as typos or formatting quirks, to ensure your book meets publishing industry standards.

Promotion and Publishing Guidance

Social media exposure—When you’ve published your book, either independently or through a publishing house, we’ll share its title and summary, as well as a purchasing link, with our 22,000 Twitter followers and Facebook fans, promoting it three times on each platform.

Promotion via our blog—We’ll write and publish an article that promotes your book, including purchasing information, on our blog. We blog about a range of writing topics and boast a readership comprising editors, book reviewers, and publishing industry professionals.

Free PDF guide ($99 value)—To cut the hassle out of publishing your book (if you choose to self-publish), we’ll include our professional guide The Best Resources for Turning Your Manuscript into an eBook: Epub, Mobi, PDF, and More, which outlines popular eBook formats and trusted file conversion services.

Safe storage—We provide optional free document storage for five years.


Eight (8) cents per word (based on your manuscript’s initial word count)

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