Proofreading and Editing Services in Columbus, Ohio

Need a little help with your writing?
At, the number one online English proofreading and editing service, it’s all in a day’s work.
- Does your research paper need a touch-up? Let us help you. Whether you study at OSU, Capital University, or Ohio Dominican University, we’re here for all of your academic editing.
- Do you need an expert editor to help make sure your ad looks great? We work with professionals across Columbus, from Downtown to the Anheuser-Busch Sports Park.
- Do you need to guarantee the readability of your English document, as English is your second or third language? Send it to us. We’re a world-class proofreading service—literally.
- Do you simply need another set of eyes to find the typos in that essay? Just let us know.
Place your document in our capable hands. We’ll get the job done fast. is here for you.
We’re confident we can improve your academic or professional writing. helps authors all over Columbus, from the Columbus Zoo to German Village, to present their best work. The quality of your writing reflects on you both personally and professionally, so whether you’re a graduate student, a business owner, a job applicant, or a novelist, we’ll make sure your writing is all that it can be.
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Are we really that good?
Our proofreading and editing professionals are native American English speakers and have years of experience in writing, editing, and proofreading. We hire just one of every 300 applicants, who are required to ace a set of difficult assessments to be considered. Our editing team is amazing at what they do.
Hands down, there’s no better choice for the over 860,000 master’s and doctoral students, businesspeople, scholars, and others in Columbus who need a second opinion on their written work. We provide excellent editing and proofreading on the shortest deadlines and help writers communicate with clarity and skill. If you need proofreading and editing, we’re here for you.
Are you ready to work with us?
Interested in a free sample?
We understand if you’re not quite ready for a paid order. Click here to request a free 300-word sample and see what our editors can do for your writing:
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