Landing a Job Using LinkedIn

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Improve Your Resume or CV

In the United States, over 130 million people have a LinkedIn profile, and for good reason—nearly 90% of companies use this platform to search for candidates. In today’s digital world, LinkedIn has become a major part of the corporate landscape, and it’s practically a must-have for any job seeker. 

Whether you’re fresh out of college or have been working for 20 years, LinkedIn is the place to go to find your next job. However, before you dive into the world of professional social media, you’ll want to make sure your resume is ready for the job hunt, so reach out to a resume expert for help with that.

The question then becomes whether you’re using the site the right way. LinkedIn isn’t some magical place where job opportunities spring eternal. It’s not like employers will just flock to your profile simply because it exists—you still have to work for it. 

To get the most out of LinkedIn, follow these four steps.

1. Update 

If you want success, update your LinkedIn profile constantly, including your profile picture, skills list, and employment history. Think of it as a living resume: It’s always there, ready to be found by hiring managers, and if it’s not up to date, you could be missing out on great opportunities without even realizing it. When recruiters see that you regularly update your profile, they’ll sense you have a strong desire to get a job. Conversely, if they see you haven’t been updating it, they won’t view you as driven and ambitious. 

Don’t just update your profile: Do the same with your headline. Your headline is what people first see when they go to your profile, so make sure it’s what you most want them to see. It should be complete with your personal information and the position you’re looking for. If you’re in the middle of a job hunt, be sure to communicate the job you want—for example, “Accountant looking to help you with your finances.” 

When updating your skills, cover every area. Your headline will offer a brief description of your position, but your skills section should include anything you can do as a result of a particular skill. Continue to update and expand your skills list to show potential employers you’re still learning and include as many relevant skills as possible.

Keep your experience up to date, too. Even if you’re doing freelance work to keep busy until you find a steady job, this experience could help you get hired faster. After all, freelance work is still work. Always add any work experience that can increase your chances of landing a job—don’t sell yourself short.

2. Network

The first way to network with employers on LinkedIn is to show your availability. Let recruiters know if you can start immediately. Obviously, this won’t be possible if you’re currently employed—in that case, specify the earliest start date.

Then, use the connections you already have to connect with more people and expand your network. You can import your contacts from your email list to help you get started with networking. Don’t be shy about sending messages or connection requests—after all, everyone on LinkedIn is there to grow their network and professional opportunities.

Next, use the advanced search tool to connect with professional groups in your area, thus getting in touch with individuals at companies that can potentially offer you a job. They won’t necessarily come looking for you—you need to find them. 

Finally, you can search for alumni from your college or university and check out the different companies that have expressed interest in people with the same degree as you. You may realize that there are far more opportunities open to you than you originally thought. Reach out to these alumni and ask how they landed their jobs. They may be able to give you some tips.

3. Research

Find companies you’re interested in and follow them. Make a list of companies you want to work for and look them up on LinkedIn. Scrolling through their LinkedIn profiles and viewing their posts can give you a sense of their culture and values, which can help you determine whether you’d like to join the team. Then, you can track what positions they offer and possibly find a job that matches your skills.

You can also reach out to people working for the companies you’re researching and get their feedback. The opinions of current and former employees are invaluable and will let you know what to expect from that company.

After you’ve landed an interview, do all the research you can on the company. Learn about its mission and lean on it in your interview as this can make you appear much more passionate, driven, and ambitious. The more you know about the company, the better you can relate to the hiring manager.

4. Stay Active

Maintain an active presence on LinkedIn. Recruiters should know you’re there! Be authentic. Post any relevant accomplishment. If you want people to recognize you, get in front of them (but not in an arrogant or pushy way). Find ways to draw attention to your name and your accomplishments. 

Once you’ve updated your profile, made valuable connections, conducted thorough research, and made relevant recruiters aware of your presence, you’re ready to send your resume to potential employers. A subpar resume will ruin your chances of landing a job, so make sure yours does you justice, which you can achieve when you hire a professional resume writer.

Improve Your Resume or CV