List of 496 Words With Long A Sound
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Every order processed by provides funding for one day of food and education for a child in Tanzania. If you'd like to support our social mission, you can order proofreading, translation, or resume writing.
Want to find a list of words with a long A sound? Here's a list of such terms. Here, you'll find a wide range of English words whose pronunciation contains your chosen sound.
able | daily | inveigle | race |
abstain | dainty | investigation | radio |
acorn | daisy | irrigation | raid |
acquaint | data | jail | rail |
acre | date | Jamaica | raiment |
adaptation | day | jay | rain |
administration | daydream | jaywalk | rainbow |
affray | daylight | Kuwait | raise |
afraid | daze | label | raisin |
age | debatable | labor | rake |
aid | decade | lace | ratio |
aide | decay | lackadaisical | raven |
ail | declaim | ladle | ray |
ailment | defray | lady | rayon |
aim | deign | laid | reclaim |
aimless | derail | lain | refrain |
airway | destination | laissez-faire | refrigerate |
allay | detail | lake | refrigerator |
always | detain | lane | regain |
anyway | disarray | late | reign |
ape | disclaimer | lay | rein |
aphid | disdain | layer | relay |
appertain | dismay | layette | remain |
application | display | layman | replay |
appraisal | domain | layoff | restrain |
approximation | doomsday | layover | retail |
April | drain | layperson | retain |
apron | earthquake | leeway | roundelay |
arraign | education | legerdemain | runaway |
array | eight | lei | safe |
ascertain | eighteen | made | sail |
ashtray | eighty | maid | saint |
Asia | elevator | sale | |
assail | entail | main | same |
assailant | entertain | Maine | Saturday |
ate | entertainment | mainland | save |
attain | entrails | mainstay | say |
avail | escape | maintenance | scale |
available | essay | major | shaken |
await | evaporation | make | shaky |
away | everyday | Malay | shape |
aweigh | exclaim | Malaysia | slain |
baby | explain | male | slavery |
bagel | expressway | maple | slay |
bail | face | May | sleigh |
bailiff | fail | maybe | snail |
bailiwick | failure | mayflower | snake |
bait | fain | mayfly | soothsay |
bake | faint | mayhem | space |
bakery | fairway | mayonnaise | spacious |
base | faith | mayor | Spain |
basic | faraway | maypole | spay |
basin | fatal | maze | splay |
basis | fate | Mediterranean | sprain |
bay | favor | membrane | spray |
bayonet | fay | mislay | stage |
became | faze | Monday | staid |
Beirut | feign | moraine | stain |
belay | feint | mutation | staple |
betray | flail | nail | state |
betrayal | flame | name | stay |
biodegradable | flay | nation | stowaway |
birthday | foray | navel | straight |
blamable | forsaken | nay | strain |
blame | fracas | neigh | strait |
blaze | fragrant | neighbor | stray |
blockade | frail | neighborhood | subway |
bobtail | frailty | Norway | Sunday |
Bombay | fray | nosegay | surveillance |
bouillabaisse | freeway | nowadays | sustain |
braid | freight | obtain | swain |
braille | Friday | okay | sway |
brain | gaiety | operator | table |
braise | gain | organization | tail |
bray | gainsay | ossification | tailor |
bricklayer | gait | outlay | taint |
byplay | game | overlay | take |
byway | gangway | overpay | taken |
cable | gape | oxidation | tape |
cage | gate | pace | taste |
caisson | gave | page | terrain |
caitiff | gay | paid | Thursday |
cake | geisha | pail | today |
calculate | gracious | pain | tolerate |
came | grade | paint | tomato |
campaign | graduation | paper | trade |
candidate | grain | parkway | trail |
cane | grape | parlay | train |
capable | gravy | paste | traipse |
cape | gray | pasteurization | trait |
caraway | graze | pathway | traitor |
case | hail | patient | travail |
castaway | Haiti | pay | tray |
cave | halfway | payment | Tuesday |
centigrade | hallway | payoff | twain |
chain | haste | peignoir | underway |
chaise | hay | phase | unsay |
chambray | hayloft | phrase | upbraid |
chase | hazy | place | vacation |
chatelaine | headway | plain | vain |
chilblain | hearsay | plaintiff | veil |
circulation | heinous | plaintive | vein |
claim | heyday | plane | wage |
classification | hibernate | play | waif |
clay | highway | player | wail |
cocaine | highwayman | playful | wain |
compensation | Himalaya | playground | wainscot |
complain | holiday | playhouse | waist |
complaisant | hooray | playpen | wait |
concave | horseplay | playwright | waive |
condensation | hurricane | pollination | waiver |
congratulation | immigration | population | waste |
constrain | inauguration | portray | wave |
constraint | indicate | potato | way |
contain | inescapable | praise | wayfarer |
contrail | inflatable | pray | waylay |
craig | information | prayer | wayside |
crane | ingrain | prevail | wayward |
crayfish | inlay | proclaim | Wednesday |
crayon | innovative | ptomaine | weigh |
crossways | insulate | quail | whale |
crusade | interplay | quaint | wraith |
curtail | interstate | qualitative | X-ray |
cutaway | inveigh | quatrain | yesterday |