List of 40 Phrasal Verbs With 'Off'
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Every order processed by provides funding for one day of food and education for a child in Tanzania. If you'd like to support our social mission, you can order proofreading, translation, or resume writing.
Need to find examples of English phrasal verbs with "off"? Here's a handy list of relevant terms. These verb-based phrases all contain the specific word you are looking for.
bite off | dry off | log off | shrug off |
blow off | ease off | lop off | switch off |
break off | fight off | nod off | take off |
bring off | get off | pay off | tear off |
call off | go off | put off | tell off |
come off | keep off | rip off | tip off |
cross off | kick off | send off | turn off |
cut off | knock off | set off | wear off |
doze off | lay off | shave off | wipe off |
drop off | live off | show off | write off |