Proofreaders and Editors Serving Writers in Saint Paul

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Gain confidence in your writing

No matter what line of work you are in, being able to communicate through the written word is a critical skill to have. But even professional writers struggle sometimes and need support. That is why works to connect all types of writers to skilled editors who can give them a confidence boost. Editors and proofreaders spot errors, of course, but they do so much more to give writers confidence in their writing. They recommend stronger word choices, advise on sentence structure, and ensure grammar is correct, all of which can make writers feel more assured. 

Supporting Saint Paul writers who live and work from the Science Museum of Minnesota to Xcel Energy Center, has earned its reputation as the finest online English editing and proofreading service in the region. Our editors perform a wide variety of editing tasks: academic editing, proofreading for business, general copy editing, reviewing resumes, and much more. If you want to be confident your writing will make an impact—and earn you greater respect in your field—then contact us today. 

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Explore our variety of services 

You might think your writing does not require an editor or proofreader. The most successful writers understand that a second set of eyes is invaluable to producing one’s best work. No matter what kind of writing you do, we have an editor who can help make your writing even better. Here are just a few recent examples of the work we do: 

  • We proofread a student thesis in less than a week. Students and professors at schools across the country—including University of St. Thomas, University of Northwestern–St. Paul, and St. Catherine University in Minnesota—rely on us to edit and proofread journal articles, dissertations, and other research papers. 
  • Our expert business editors reviewed proposals for Saint Paul business owners. We work side-by-side with businesses from Payne Phallen to Greater Eastside. 
  • We worked with some of our international clients who speak English as a second language. We ensured their grammar was correct and their writing could be clearly understood. We do this for thousands of international writers.  
  • Our editing team handled smaller, informal projects, too. If you just need an email proofread or some light editing for a short story, we can help. 

Once you deliver your document to our team, you can relax. We will return a thoroughly edited document on time (no matter what your deadline may be). 

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Trust our talented editors to elevate your writing

We are proud of the team we have assembled. Our editors have proven they are among the finest working editors by passing a rigorous set of editing skills tests. They are native English speakers and have decades of writing, editing, and proofreading experience. Their educational backgrounds enable them to edit writing on a wide range of topics. On the rare occasions when editing positions open up, we receive thousands of applications, but only one out of every 300 who apply will eventually join our team. That is how rigorous our standards are.  

We’re confident that we are the best editing service for the writers in Saint Paul. The more than 307,000 scholars, business leaders, and other writers in and around the city can trust our editors to deliver accurate proofreading and high-quality copy editing. We promise on-time delivery of your document and that your ideas will be presented clearly and in the most compelling fashion. If you want to be absolutely confident in your writing, invest in editing service from 

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View a sample of our editors’ work

We stand by the skills of our editors. Before you place your paid order, you can request to view a sample of their work. Click below and we will send you a work sample at no charge. You can use this sample to see the kind of impact our editors can make on writing. 

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