The Modern Way to Get Book Reviews

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Authors are continually searching for new ways to get their books reviewed since a good word can boost sales. Given that the publishing world has shifted from newspaper book review sections to various forms of social media and internet posts, writers need to be aware of the newest and most widely used venues for online book reviews. 

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, TikTok, YouTube, blogs, and email have taken over from traditional media, providing writers with instant exposure. A post that goes viral can bring overnight success to those in the writing field. Consequently, once you finish your manuscript, it is a good idea to start doing your research on all the ways you can promote your book without spending thousands of dollars in marketing fees.

Want to learn about the latest ways to go viral? Below, you’ll find the currently most popular means of getting your writing reviewed. These may help your book reach a wide audience immediately, but remember that your work needs to appear professional before it is reviewed. For more help, check out our comprehensive book marketing package to make sure your title gets noticed on the internet.

1. Reach out to a Bookstagrammer

Bookstagrammers use creativity on Instagram to influence all types of readers. Instagram is a free platform, and it’s popular among younger people. Bookstagrammers’ feeds are often full of innovatively staged photos and reviews of the books they are highlighting. Since they have thousands of followers, they can expand the market for your book. 

In addition, their followers often repost their photos, which creates a whole new audience. News of your book could reach hundreds of people within mere hours, potentially leading to increased sales and readership. All of these are benefits that are too good to pass up on.

While it may help to have an intriguing or beautiful book cover, it’s not necessary since some photos are of the interior pages of the book. It is often the Bookstagrammer’s creative and enchanting photo and sparkling review that leave an impression on their followers.

2. Connect with a BookTuber or BookTokker

A BookTuber uses YouTube to discuss, review, or advertise a book, interview authors, and talk about the publishing industry. YouTube is also free, which means that viewers don’t have to pay to access a BookTuber’s content. In addition, YouTube is a platform where users feel like they have a close connection to the content creators they follow. As such, YouTube is particularly popular among younger people, which may be the target audience for your book. Since it has become such a beloved platform and replaced television for many, YouTubers often instantly achieve celebrity status. If the BookTuber who reviews your work winds up an internet star, it can boost the popularity of your book.

A BookTokker shares their favorite must-reads through TikTok. Again, if you want to reach teens and young adults, this is the platform you want to use to get book reviews as it’s free and immensely popular. Many self-professed “non-readers” have turned into voracious readers after following BookTokkers. You could pick up potential fans by reaching out to a BookTokker and asking if they would be interested in reading and reviewing your book. The worst thing they could do is say no, but even if they do, you can always try with another BookTokker.

3. Reach your audience with Bookblr

An amalgam of social networking and blogging, Bookblr is a part of the Tumblr platform where users can share reviews, thoughts, and photos of books they have read. They often post creative pictures with short reviews.

Like the ones on Bookstagram, these posts are frequently shared and end up reaching more viewers than the originally intended audience. Bookblr is also used to reach a younger demographic, and it encourages expression, discovery, and bonding among members. It could be a good idea to ingratiate yourself with this audience, particularly if you write books geared toward younger readers—after all, they love following people who are approachable, witty, and relatable. If you can show them traits of your personality, you may gain a few new fans.

4. Work with a book blogger who does reviews

There are countless book review bloggers who reach thousands of readers. Very often, they have large numbers of followers who check their sites and peruse their blogs to find their next read. Bloggers can take creative liberties that newspaper reviewers can’t to inform and sway their audience. They also have the option of providing followers with free copies of books and exclusive interviews with authors. 

We should also mention that blog reviews outlive newspaper reviews. A blog can be pulled from the depths of the internet at any point, which helps secure readers year after year.

Simply reach out to a blogger and offer a free physical copy or an eBook in return for a review. It won’t cost you a cent, and it may lead to increased sales if the blogger loves your book. Keep in mind that a book blogger is always looking to promote the next best thing, and that could be you! Creating a close rapport with a well-known blogger is a good first step to ensuring that you attract as many readers as possible. Even if you gain just a few more sales because of it, that’s still good news for your book—and your writing career.


5. Tap into the power of a newsletter

There are many book newsletters, and all readers have to do is sign up for one to be delivered to their inbox. Since email addresses are as common as home addresses these days, and the cost of stamps goes up almost every year, it’s often a better idea to send out a newsletter via email than through the postal service. In addition, a newsletter can be forwarded with one or two clicks, which increases its audience. Many book newsletters come from libraries and bookstores. They provide countless book reviews and contain additional information about titles, events, and much more.

Reach out to your local library or bookstore and favorite bloggers to see if they will include a review of your book in their newsletter. It can’t hurt to ask, and you may find it increases your book sales. You should never feel ashamed about promoting your work as that is really the only way to ensure its success.

The internet is a surefire way to get your book noticed and reviewed. With a bit of searching and perseverance, the methods above can help you get a wider audience. To make sure your book is as marketable as possible, thus making it easier to get reviews, check out our book marketing package.

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