Editing and Proofreading for Microsoft Word Documents

Writing in Word? You need a wordsmith
It’s the most popular word processing software on earth, so chances are if you’ve written something, you’ve written it in Microsoft Word. And that means you’ll need an editor who’s a Word wiz. With thousands of satisfied clients served, ProofreadingServices.com provides incomparable Word document editing and proofreading.
Whether you invest 1 or 100 hours into preparing your Word document, you want to make sure the final draft is the best it can be. Even best-selling authors benefit from an editor’s discerning eye. When you entrust your writing to us, we take great strides to correct grammatical errors, enhance clarity, and strengthen passages. We use Microsoft Word’s Track Changes feature so you can see exactly what we’ve done and choose whether to accept or reject each change. As the author, you have the final say.
Writers, businesspeople, and students everywhere use Word to create all kinds of documents—from letters of application to technical manuals to novels. Whether you’ve created your document in Word or in another format, like a PDF, our team members can work with it. We’ll review and return your document in a week, 2 days, or even 6 hours—all while ensuring quality and adherence to high standards.
Send your Word document in for expert revision now.
Whatever you’ve written, we can help polish it
From Japan to the Netherlands, from Canada to Brazil, our incredible team of editors and proofreaders serves a broad range of clients who write in pursuit of a degree, a business goal, a career aspiration, or simple pleasure. Here are just a few examples of documents and clients we’ve guided to success:
- An APA-style meta-analysis for Lisa, a student at a private university in Chicago
- A conference call transcript for Jesse, an agent with a Houston-based insurance company
- A journal article about subsidized housing for Muinat, a professor at a major Saudi Arabian university
If you need urgent editing and proofreading, see our express turnaround times! Same-day editing is an option; you can even be set in as little as 3 hours. But if saving money is more important to you than saving time, you can also get a thorough edit at a more affordable rate in 3 days or 1 week.
Get a sharp editor to look over your work, whether you're in a hurry or not.
Our exacting standards mean quality service for you
We don’t cut corners when it comes to assembling our team. Every editor who wants to join us must not only pass, but breeze through our ridiculously tough editing evaluations—and only about 1 of every 300 can do it. On top of that, they bring their extensive experience in proofreading, editing, and professional writing, gained during years in vocations ranging from business to science to the humanities.
Our editing and proofreading experts work from English-speaking countries like the United States, England, and Australia. They also know their style guides, from widely used ones like the Chicago Manual of Style to niche ones like the ACS manual. We maintain a diverse team so you’ll always be able to partner with an editor who’s right for you, whether your Microsoft Word document is a nonfiction manuscript, a series of marketing emails, or a blog post. We’re here to help you refine your writing, meet your deadlines, and figure out those Word formatting quirks.
Try our Word editing with Track Changes for free
If you’d like to see how our editing services work in Microsoft Word before you place a paid order, great! Send us a short document and we’ll proofread it for free. You can learn more about Track Changes here, and please let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to working with you.
Send in 300 words and get a free sample.