What to Remember When Writing a Resignation Letter

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Moving up the corporate ladder often means changing jobs and saying goodbye to your current boss and co-workers. Regardless of how you feel about your job, it can be challenging to write a resignation letter that gets your message across without burning any bridges. You never want to leave a company on bad terms, even if you hate the job or your boss, who might still be a great contact. If you performed well, they may be happy to give you a glowing recommendation. Therefore, be sure to express your gratitude for the opportunity while communicating that you’re moving on. 

If you’re not confident you can express yourself in a polite and professional way, you can hire an expert to compose a resignation letter that ensures an amicable split.

Here’s how you should approach writing your resignation letter.

Be considerate

You should always notify your employer at least two weeks before you leave—a shorter notice makes it extremely difficult for them to fill your position in a timely manner. If you can give them even more time to react, all the better. This shows that you’re loyal enough not to just up and go without considering the consequences for the company. It helps ensure that you leave a positive impression on your co-workers and superiors as you move on. 

With regard to your replacement, be considerate by not leaving a mess for them to sort out. Remove any necessary files and organize the rest in folders so they’re easy to find. You may be tempted to zone out during your last two weeks, but do your best to set up your replacement for success. Even if you don’t personally benefit from this, your company will, and it may repay you in various ways, such as by recommending you to future employers.

If you’re willing to train your replacement, put that in your resignation letter. This shows your employer that you’re loyal and want to help. You may be required to train the newcomer either way, but offering to do so speaks volumes about your character.

Be concise

Don’t ramble on about things related to the job. Just get to the point and be clear. Begin your letter with a professional salutation and be direct in your communication. You could say something like I regret to inform you that I will resign from my position as [job title] on [leave date]. This direct statement tells your employer exactly why you’re writing the letter. 

You don’t need to give a reason for your departure, but if you want to, be sure to do so politely, professionally, and concisely. Avoid mentioning anything that may offend your boss.

Be cordial

Always be honest about why you’re leaving as this shows your employer that you have nothing to hide. Still, do it in a way that demonstrates your gratitude. If you love your job, you can elaborate, but don’t ramble. You can say more in person later. 

If you don’t like your job, be professional and refrain from lashing out or writing anything that could jeopardize your future employment prospects. Regardless of how you feel about your job, show gratitude for getting it. There are positives and negatives to every job, so determine what you do like and highlight that in your letter.

Also, be cordial by submitting your letter via email and in person. An email could get lost among all the messages, but at the same time, emailing your letter allows your employer to have a digital copy of it. Delivering the letter in person demonstrates a high level of professionalism and respect for your boss. Being cordial when you resign says a lot about your character.

Resignation letter example

Dear Mr. Boyd,

I regret to inform you that I will resign from my position as warehouse supervisor on July 27, 2023. Although I have worked at your company for 12 years, I have decided to accept another position where I will be able to apply the skills I have acquired here, expand my knowledge, and advance my career.

I am thankful for all you have done to help me learn about warehouse supervision. Your lessons will forever stay with me as I pursue new business endeavors. Please let me know how I can help during the transition process. I am willing to train my replacement and prepare a thorough job description.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email me at John.Doe15@gmail.com. I have immensely enjoyed working for you.


John Doe

Leave your current job knowing you’ve done your part to preserve the relationships you’ve built. Be considerate of your employer’s need to find a replacement, be concise in your resignation letter, and be cordial by showing gratitude. Writing a resignation letter is a professional necessity, and if you want help with this important missive, reach out to an expert anytime.

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