List of 48 Adverbs of Evaluation
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Every order processed by provides funding for one day of food and education for a child in Tanzania. If you'd like to support our social mission, you can order proofreading, translation, or resume writing.
Want to find examples of words that evaluate or give an opinion on an event, quality or state of affairs? See this list of adverbs of evaluation. You'll find what you need here.
accurately | doubtfully | kindly | significantly |
amazingly | doubtlessly | luckily | spitefully |
apparently | fairly | objectively | stupidly |
appropriately | foolishly | obviously | surprisingly |
astonishingly | fortunately | ostensibly | unbelievably |
bravely | frankly | presumably | understandably |
carefully | generously | probably | undoubtedly |
carelessly | honestly | rightly | unfairly |
clearly | hopefully | sadly | unfortunately |
critically | impressively | selfishly | unsurprisingly |
curiously | inappropriately | selflessly | wisely |
definitely | interestingly | seriously | wrongly |