List of 392 Adverbs That Start With C
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Every order processed by provides funding for one day of food and education for a child in Tanzania. If you'd like to support our social mission, you can order proofreading, translation, or resume writing.
You might be looking for a word that modifies verbs or adjectives and has a specific opening letter. In search of a collection of relevant examples? Try this list of adverbs that start with C.
cabalistically | circumstantially | concisely | convincingly |
cagily | civilly | conclusively | convivially |
cajolingly | clairaudiently | concomitantly | convulsively |
calculatingly | clammily | concordantly | coolly |
callously | clamorously | concretely | cooperatively |
calmly | clancularly | concretively | coordinately |
calumniously | clannishly | concurrently | copiously |
candidly | clashingly | condescendingly | copulatively |
cankeredly | classically | condignly | coquettishly |
cannibally | clatteringly | conditionally | cordately |
cannily | clean | conducibly | cordially |
canonically | cleanly | confessedly | cornerwise |
cantankerously | clear | confestly | corporally |
capably | clearly | confidentially | corporately |
capaciously | clerkly | confidently | corporeally |
capapie | cleverly | confidingly | corpulently |
capitally | climatically | confirmedly | correctly |
capitularly | clinically | confirmingly | correlatively |
capriciously | cliquishly | conformably | correspondently |
captiously | cloakedly | confoundedly | correspondingly |
captivatingly | clockwise | confusedly | corruptedly |
carefully | close | confusingly | corruptingly |
carelessly | closely | congenially | corruptly |
carnally | cloudily | congruously | cortically |
carousingly | cloyingly | conically | corymbosely |
cartographically | clumsily | conjecturally | cosily |
casually | clusteringly | conjointly | cosmetically |
catalytically | coactively | conjugally | cosmically |
catastrophically | coarsely | conjunctively |
catechetically | coastward | conjunctly | costively |
categorically | coastways | connaturally | coterminously |
catholicly/catholically | coastwise | connectedly | counter |
caudad | coaxingly | connectively | counteractively |
caudally | coequally | connotatively |
causally | cogently | connubially | counterfeitly |
causatively | cognitively | consanguineously |
causelessly | cognizably | conscientiously | courageously |
caustically | coherently | conscionably | courteously |
cautiously | cohesively | consciously | courtly |
cavalierly | coincidentally | consecutively | covenably |
cavilingly | coincidently | consentingly | covertly |
ceaselessly | cold | consequentially | covetously |
celestially | coldly | consequently | cowardly |
centennially | collaterally | conservatively | coxcomically |
centrally | collectedly | considerably | coyly |
cephalad | collectively | considerately | cozily |
cerebrally | collingly | consistently | craftily |
ceremonially | colloidally | consolingly | crazily |
ceremoniously | colloquially | consonantly | creakily |
certainly | combatively | conspicuously | creakingly |
certes | comelily | conspiringly | creatively |
chanceably | comfortably | constantly | credibly |
changeably | comfortingly | constitutionally | creditably |
chaotically | comically | constitutively | credulously |
characteristically | commandingly | constrainedly | creepingly |
chargeably | commendably | constructively | crescentwise |
charily | commensally | consubstantially | cretaceously |
charitably | commensurably | consumedly | criminally |
charmingly | commensurately | consumingly | cringingly |
chastely | commercially | consummately | crisply |
chattily | commodiously | consumptively | crisscross |
cheaply | commonly | contagiously | critically |
cheekily | communally | contemningly | crookedly |
cheerfully | compactedly | contemplatively | crossly |
cheerily | compactly | contemporaneously | crosstown |
cheeringly | comparably | contemptibly | crossways |
cheerlessly | comparatively | contemptuously | crosswise |
cheerly | compassionately | contentedly | crucially |
chemically | compatibly | contently | crudely |
chevronwise | compellably | contestingly | cruelly |
chidingly | compendiously | contextually | crushingly |
chiefly | competently | continentally | crustily |
childishly | competitively | continently | cryptically |
childly | complacently | contingently |
chimerically | complainingly | continually |
chintzily | completely | continuedly | cubically |
chirpily | complexionally | continuously | culinarily |
chirpingly | complexly | contractually | culpably |
chirurgeonly | compliantly | contradictorily | culturally |
chivalrously | complicatedly | contrariantly | cumulatively |
chock | composedly | contrarily | cunningly |
choicely | comprehensibly | contrariously | curiously |
cholericly/cholerically | comprehensively | contrariwise | curlingly |
chorally | comptly | contrastingly | currently |
christianly | compulsatively | contritely | currishly |
chromatically | compulsively | controversially | cursedly |
chromatographically | compulsorily | contumaciously | cursively |
chronically | compunctiously | contumeliously | cursorily |
chronologically | computationally | convalescently | curstfully |
chuffily | con | convectively | curtly |
churlishly | concavely | conveniently | curvaceously |
circa | concededly | conventionally | cussedly |
circularly | conceitedly | conversably | customarily |
circumferentially | conceivably | conversantly | cutely |
circumscriptively | concentrically | conversationally | cuttingly |
circumscriptly | conceptually | conversely | cylindrically |
circumspectively | concernedly | convertibly | cynically |
circumspectly | concessively | convexly | cytoplasmically |