List of 256 Compound Words for Kids
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Every order processed by provides funding for one day of food and education for a child in Tanzania. If you'd like to support our social mission, you can order proofreading, translation, or resume writing.
Want some compound words for kids? This list of relevant terms can help you. These terms using multiple words to refer to a unified concept are all accessible to young learners.
airplane | driveway | iceberg | sandbox |
airport | dropdown | inside | schoolbook |
angelfish | dugout | itself | schoolwork |
applesauce | dustpan | jellyfish | seashell |
armchair | earache | keepsake | seesaw |
armpit | earlobe | keyboard | shoelace |
babysitter | earrings | kickball | show-off |
backbend | earthquake | kickboxing | sidewalk |
backpack | earthworm | kneecap | skateboard |
ballpark | eyeball | ladybug | snowball |
barefoot | father-in-law | landslide | snowflake |
baseball | fingernail | laptop | softball |
bathtub | firecracker | leftover | solar system |
beachball | firefighter | lifeguard | soundproof |
bedroom | firefly | lifetime | spaceship |
billboard | firework | lighthouse | spearmint |
birthday | fishbowl | litterbug | starfish |
black hole | fisherman | locksmith | starlight |
blueberry | fishhook | lowercase | stingray |
boardwalk | flagpole | lumberjack | strawberry |
bodyguard | flashlight | mailbox | subway |
bookcase | football | mailman | sunburn |
bookmark | footstep | meatball | sunflower |
bookshelf | forearm | midnight | sunglasses |
bookstore | forget | milkshake | sunrise |
bow tie | forgive | moonlight | sunroof |
brainstorm | french fries | moonwalk | sunset |
broadcast | gingerbread | mother-in-law | superhero |
bullfrog | goalkeeper | newborn | superstar |
busboy | goldfish | newscast | surfboard |
butterfly | goodnight | newsletter | tablespoon |
butternut | grandchild | newspaper | tadpole |
cabdriver | grasshopper | nightfall | tailbone |
campfire | groundhog | nobody | tailgate |
candlestick | hairband | nosebleed | takeout |
car wash | hairbrush | notebook | teacup |
cardboard | hallway | oatmeal | teammate |
cartwheel | hamburger | online | teamwork |
catfish | hamstring | outer space | teardrop |
caveman | handcuff | outside | teaspoon |
chalkboard | handout | over-the-counter | tennis shoes |
cheeseburger | handshake | overestimate | textbook |
chocolate chip | handstand | pancake | throwback |
classmate | hardship | pathway | timekeeper |
classroom | hardware | paycheck | timeline |
clockwise | headband | peanut | tugboat |
copycat | heartbeat | peppermint | underestimate |
cornbread | hedgehog | pinball | underground |
cornstalk | herself | playhouse | uplift |
crossbow | high heels | playmate | uptown |
crosswalk | highway | policeman | video game |
crossword | hillside | ponytail | viewpoint |
cubbyhole | himself | popcorn | wallflower |
cupcake | homemade | postcard | watermelon |
daydream | hometown | pothole | waterproof |
dishwasher | honeydew | racquetball | website |
doghouse | hopscotch | railroad | wheelchair |
doorknob | horseman | rainbow | without |
downhill | horseplay | raincoat | workbook |
downtown | hotdog | raindrop | worksheet |
dragonfly | housework | rattlesnake | worldwide |
drawbridge | humankind | restroom | wristwatch |
drawstring | hummingbird | rowboat | yearbook |
dress shoes | ice cream | sailboat | zookeeper |