How to Determine Whether You Need a Book Coach, an Editor, or a Ghostwriter

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Talk With a Ghostwriter

People choose to write books for a variety of reasons. Some are extremely knowledgeable about certain topics and want to impart that knowledge to others. Some want to share a story or preserve their legacy in writing. Others hope to be influential and provide motivation or inspiration. Still others seek to give their business a boost—often, writing a book makes them more credible in their field and benefits their organization. 

No matter who you are, what book you’re writing, and why you’re writing it, this is a rewarding experience and an impressive accomplishment. However, it’s also hard work, and many nonfiction writers enlist professional help for this daunting task.

If you do decide to write a book, how should you go about it? Some authors choose to do the work themselves, which allows for total creative control but is time-consuming and requires superb writing skills. Others prefer to be “coached”; they wish to write their own book but want someone to help them along the way. Some want to complete the writing themselves and then work with an editor to get their book ready for publication. There are also those who wish to avoid writing at all costs and hire ghostwriters, which is an excellent solution for people without the time or skills to weave all their thoughts and ideas into an engaging narrative.

It can be confusing to figure out when and where you need help with your book. Take a look below to see what might benefit you and your style. Professionals can help you if you choose the editing or ghostwriting path, and there’s no shame in getting professional help with your book. In fact, most authors do. Learn more about how we can be of assistance, whether you are a businessperson looking to boost your brand or someone keen to immortalize their legacy with a memoir.

Book coach

So, you have a remarkable story or idea, and you’re a competent writer, but you have no clue where to start or how to organize your thoughts. Maybe you wrote one paragraph months ago and got so overwhelmed that you just abandoned the whole thing. Does this sound like you? If so, it might be worth your while to hire a book coach to help with basic writerly tasks.

A book coach will guide you through the process of writing a book in various ways. You’re still the author, but coaches can help you develop your theme(s) and outline. They can offer advice and encouragement and provide feedback throughout the process. Basically, they will work with you to make your book better, cheer you on, and keep you on track.

Some coaches go above and beyond and may also help with writing proposals, finding a suitable agent, and marketing. It all depends on the coach you choose. Contact one to find out what they can do for you.


When you use an editor, you write the book yourself, but you benefit from their expertise in identifying what you need to make your book as good as it can be. They review what you’ve written, clean it up, and make suggestions and changes that polish your writing. Basically, they take your writing and make it the best it can be.

Since there are several types of editors, you need to figure out what you need. You may require a developmental editor, a line editor, a copy editor, or a proofreader, all of whom offer dramatically different services.

Developmental editor: This type of editor focuses on restructuring your book. They may help you clarify what you’re saying by suggesting some rewrites. They look for issues such as a lack of organization or focus. If the order of your chapters doesn’t make sense or the book doesn’t flow coherently, a developmental editor will help set you on the right track. If it’s constructive criticism you are after, you might want to hire one of these professionals.

Line editor: This one checks your work line by line. They assist you with voice and tense, check for clarity, and revise your sentences. With the help of a line editor, you can ensure your manuscript reads well at the sentence level, flowing smoothly and naturally. If you want to make sure your style and language are suitable for your piece of writing, you might want to hire a line editor.

Copy editor: The copy editor reviews your work for errors and inconsistencies, usually following a style guide. They look for issues with grammar, punctuation, spelling, and tense and ensure you’re consistent with capitalization, hyphenation, numbers, and fonts. Focusing on such elements may sometimes feel like nitpicking, but consistency goes a long way in creating a professionally written book. Choose a copy editor to review both the little details and the overall picture. 

Proofreader: The proofreader is the one who does the final edit. They check for any and all spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors and typos. It’s not a proofreader’s job to question the coherency of your chapters or paragraphs, nor are they there to address awkward phrasing in your sentences, so make sure these issues are eliminated before hiring a proofreader. Use the proofreader for your final review before publication.

It’s important to know what type of editing you need. Editors help you get your book in tip-top shape and ready for publication.


A ghostwriter may be your best choice when you have a story to tell but don’t like to write, have poor writing skills, or are too busy to embark on a book project. The ghostwriter will collaborate with you, help you shape your ideas and content, and then write the book for you. With an editor or a book coach, you receive assistance but still write the book yourself; with a ghostwriter, you play the assistant role while they undertake the difficult task of penning the manuscript.

A ghostwriter works with you by interviewing you throughout the process. Even though they do all the writing, you still need to put in some work. After all, it’s your story, and you need to give the ghostwriter all the elements they need to produce the book you want. You have to provide the main ideas and express your perspective and emotions. A good ghostwriter will use all these things to make sure your story echoes your voice and tone. When they’re finished, a reader should not be able to tell that you didn’t write the book yourself, and you don’t ever have to tell anyone that you didn’t.

Choose a ghostwriter when you’re too busy and/or don’t feel confident in your writing abilities. Be prepared, however, to be involved in the journey. Ghostwriters can’t read your mind and create your story without you. Moreover, would you really want to forfeit all creative control over your book?

Book coaches, editors, and ghostwriters can all help you get your message and story out to the world. Their job is to provide services that make your writing the absolute best it can be. Contact us to get the help you need for your own memoir or business book.

Talk With a Ghostwriter