List of 58 Words of Celtic Origin

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Need some examples of words that come from the various Celtic languages? Check out this handy list of words of Celtic origin. It contains a wide range of such terms.
ambassador An official diplomatic representative of a nation. From ambactus (Latin), ambactos (Gaulish), and embassadeur (Old French).
banshee A female spirit that howls to warn of an impending death. From bean síth (Irish).
bard A poet or singer. From bard (Gaelic and Welsh) and bardos (Gaulish).
beak The protruding jaws of a bird. From bec (Old French), beccus (Latin), and becco (Gaulish).
bilge The underside of a boat's hull; nonsense. From boulge (Old French), bulga (Latin), and bulgā (Gaulish).
bludgeon A heavy stick used as a weapon. From blugon (Cornish).
bog Wet, swampy land. From bogach (Irish).
brill A type of fish. From brilli (Cornish).
brogue A sturdy outdoor boot. From bróg (Irish)
budge (lambskin) A lambskin fur often used as trimming. From bulge (Old French), bulga (Latin), and bulgā (Gaulish).
budget A plan for income and spending over a period of time. From bulga (Latin) and bulgā (Gaulish).
YES A swelling that sticks out from a flat surface. From bulga (Latin) and boulge (Old French).
cairn A mound of stones used as a landmark on a slope or ridge. From càrn (Gaelic).
clan A group of closely related families. From clann (Gaelic), cland (Old Irish), and planta (Latin).
claymore A broadsword associated with Scottish Highlanders. From claidheamh mór (Gaelic).
clobber To strike hard; old clothes. From clábar (Irish).
clutter Mess; a number of disorganized objects. From cludair (Welsh).
Coleen, Colleen A female name, from cailín, Irish for "girl."
crag A cliff or rocky outcrop. From creag (Gaelic) and craig (Welsh).
crumpet A thick, flat griddle cake. From crempog (Welsh) and krampoez (Breton).
dad Father. From dad (Welsh).
dornick A piece of rock. From dornóg (Irish) and doirneag (Gaelic).
down Toward or in a lower position. From dún (Celtic).
drumlin A low, elongated hill. From druim (Irish).
embassy The official dwelling of an ambassador; a diplomatic mission. From embassee (Middle French), ambasciata (Italian), ambactus (Latin), ambaisada (Old Provençal), and ambactos (Gaulish).
filibeg A kilt. From feileadh beag (Gaelic)
flannel A soft fabric made from wool or cotton. From gwanlen (Welsh).
galore In plentiful supply. From go leòr (Irish).
glean To collect information gradually. From glener (Old French), glennare (Late Latin), and glanos (Gaulish).
glen A valley or dale between mountains. From gleann (Gaelic).
glom To stick to; to steal. From glaum (Scots).
gob Mouth; to spit. From gob (Irish).
gull A large seabird. From gullan (Celtic), gwylan (Welsh), and gwelan (Breton).
hubbub A busy, crowded situation. From ubub (Gaelic) and ababú (Irish).
keen To cry; enthusiastic. From caoin (Irish).
lawn An area of regularly trimmed grass. From launde (Old French).
leprechaun A sprite from Irish folklore. From leipreachán (Irish).
loch, lough A lake, usually in a mountainous area. From loch (Gaelic and Old Irish).
maggot A larva, usually of a housefly. From maceiod (Welsh).
mom Mother. From mam (Welsh).
penguin A flightless Antarctic bird. From pen gwyn (Welsh).
pet An animal kept as a domestic companion. From peata (Irish).
phony A false or deceitful person. From fáinne (Irish).
piece A section or portion of something. From pettia (Vulgar Latin, likely Gaulish origin).
plaid Cloth with a checkered pattern, usually made from wool. From plaide (Gaelic).
shamrock A low-growing plant, similar to a clover. From seamróg (Irish).
slew A great number or amount. From sluagh (Irish).
slob A lazy person with poor personal hygiene. From slab (Irish).
slogan A pithy, memorable motto or phrase. From sluaghghairm (Gaelic)
slug A mollusc-like creature with no shell that leaves a trail of slime; a slow or lazy person. From slug (Irish).
smashing A colloquialism meaning "excellent." From is maith sin (Irish).
smithereens Tiny pieces of a broken object. From smidirīn (Irish).
tan A light brown color; skin darkened by sun exposure. From tann (Breton).
tor A rocky peak or hill. From twr (Welsh).
town A medium-sized urban settlement. From tūn (Old English) and dún (Old Irish).
trousers Pants; a garment covering the legs and waist. From triubhas (Gaelic).
truant An absentee. From truan (Welsh).
whisky, whiskey A distilled spirit made with fermented grain mash. From uisge beatha (Gaelic) and uisce beatha (Irish).