List of 73 Pairs of Nouns of Opposite Genders

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Nouns can be either masculine, feminine, or gender neutral. Here's a list of nouns of opposite gender.
Masculine Feminine
abbot abbess
actor actress
author authoress
bachelor spinster
baron baroness
benefactor benefactress
boar sow
boy girl
bridegroom bride
brother sister
buck doe
bull cow
cock hen
conductor conductress
count countess
czar czarina
dad mum
daddy mummy
drake duck
drone bee
duke duchess
emperor empress
enchanter enchantress
father mother
fox vixen
gander goose
gentleman lady
giant giantess
god goddess
grandfather grandmother
he-goat she-goat
heir heiress
hero heroine
host hostess
hunter huntress
husband wife
king queen
landlord landlady
lion lioness
lord lady
man woman
manservant maidservant
master mistress
milkman milkmaid
monk nun
murderer murderess
nephew niece
patron patroness
peacock peahen
peer peeress
poet poetess
policeman policewoman
priest priestess
prince princess
prophet prophetess
ram ewe
rooster hen
shepherd shepherdess
signor signora
sir madam
son daughter
songster songstress
stag hind
stallion mare
steward stewardess
sultan sultana
tempter temptress
tiger tigress
traitor traitress
uncle aunt
viscount viscountess
waiter waitress
wizard witch