List of 92 Verbs of Cognition

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Thought is associated with many different states and actions, which are denoted by verbs. Need some examples of related words or phrases? Try this list of verbs of cognition.
Term Explanation
analyze break down and examine to identify components or structure and to explain and interpret
apply use knowledge and understanding to respond to a situation
appraise evaluate something's worth or significance
appreciate understand or recognize the value of something
argue challenge something; show reasons for being for or against something
assess evaluate or estimate something
calculate use a mathematical process or facts, figures, and information to determine or find something
categorize sort or classify items into a specific class or group
clarify explain something or make it clear so that one can understand
classify use similar characteristics to arrange or put into specific categories
comment give an opinion, observation, or reaction to something
communicate make something known or understood
compare look at similarities and differences and recognize the significance of those similarities and differences
compose/decompose rewrite an expression or numbers with smaller quantities and group the numbers for easier computation. For example, 38 + 14 = 30 + 8 + 10 + 4 = 30 + 10 + 8 + 4 = 40 + 12 = 52
comprehend grasp the meaning of something
conduct carry out an action
consider think carefully about something before making a decision
construct make, build, create, or put something together
contrast explain how things are different or opposite
count recite numbers from the smallest to the largest
count on recite numbers (starting with a number that is not the smallest whole number) in order
create produce or think of something new
critique give an opinion or review of something
decide make a judgementj or resolution about something
deduce take given information and come to a logical conclusion
define state the meaning of something
demonstrate show or illustrate something
derive obtain something by reasoning
describe use words to give an account of something
design make a detailed drawing or plan
determine use a method to figure out an answer
develop to make something grow or expand
devise think about and plan something
differentiate find the differences in or between things
discriminate mark or distinguish differences
discuss use different ideas and opinions to talk about something
distinguish realize that two or more items are different
document use evidence to support something
estimate make an approximate calculation
evaluate determine the value or significance of something
examine inspect or investigate something
execute carry something out or put it into effect
exemplify give an example
experiment perform an experiment to discover or prove something
explain give more details or facts to make something clear
explore look into something in detail
express give or show a clear idea of what something is
extend expand an idea
extrapolate extend a method or conclusion by projecting known information
find discover unexpectedly
generate cause something to be produced or created
hypothesize make an assumption from known facts or observed occurrences
identify establish who or what something is
illustrate use an example to explain something
implement carry out something or put it into effect
infer use evidence or reasoning to make a conclusion
interpret explain something or make it clear
investigate carry out research to gain facts and make conclusions
judge come to conclusion or make a decision about
justify show that something is correct by supporting it with evidence
make a decision arrive at a conclusion after looking at all options
manipulate control or manage a situation to benefit from it
match to make something the same or equal
measure to find the size of something
modify make changes in something
name specify the mathematical term for an object
order to put into a certain arrangement
organize arrange into a specific order
predict suggest that something will happen
propose suggest a plan or idea
prove demonstrate a truth
read use a measuring tool to determine the magnitude of something
realize make or become aware of something
recall remember something
recognize acknowledge that something exists
reflect on consider something and think deeply about it
represent take the place of something else
resolve figure something out and find a solution
round to express a number as an approximation
select choose or pick out the best
sequence place in a specific order
sketch to draw in a rough or simple form
solve arrive at an answer or explanation for something
sort put something into place by categories
structure form something into a specific pattern or arrangement
summarize to tell something in sequence in a shortened version
symbolize represent with a symbol
synthesize combine many different parts
test try something out
understand comprehend the meaning of something
use to set or put something into action