List of 133 Words That Are Acronyms
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Every order processed by provides funding for one day of food and education for a child in Tanzania. If you'd like to support our social mission, you can order proofreading, translation, or resume writing.
There are many acronyms we use so regularly in our life that we don't give a second thought about the words they are made of. Here's a list of acronyms and what they mean.
AA | Alcoholics Anonymous |
AAAS | American Association for the Advancement of Science |
AARP | American Association of Retired Persons |
ABS | Anti-lock Braking System |
ADA | American Dental Association |
ADD | Attention Deficit Disorder |
ADHD | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder |
ADP | Automated Data Processing |
AFK | Away From Keyboard |
AFL | American Football League |
AIDS | Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome |
AKA | Also Known As |
AMA | Against Medical Advice |
AMA | American Medical Association |
APA | American Psychological Association |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible |
AWOL | Absent Without Leave |
BAE | Before Anyone Else |
BBIAB | Be Back In A Bit |
BBL | Be Back Later |
BBS | Be Back Soon |
BBW | Big Beautiful Woman |
BEG | Big Evil Grin |
BF | Boyfriend |
BRB | Be Right Back |
BTW | By The Way |
CAPTCHA | Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart |
CC | Carbon Copy |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
CIA | Central Intelligence Agency |
CPS | Child Protective Services |
CSI | Crime Scene Investigation |
CST | Central Standard Time |
DAEMON | Disk And Execution Monitor |
DARE | Drug Abuse Resistance Education |
DBA | Doing Business As |
DIY | Do It Yourself |
DMV | Division of Motor Vehicles |
DNC | Democratic National Committee |
DND | Do Not Disturb |
DOA | Dead On Arrival |
DOB | Date Of Birth |
DOD | Department of Defense |
DZ | Drop Zone |
E-FIT | Electronic Facial Identification Technique |
EDS | Electronic Data Systems |
EG | Evil Grin |
EOD | End Of Day |
ESL | English as a Second Language |
ESPN | Entertainment and Sports Programming Network |
EST | Eastern Standard Time |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival |
F2F | Face to Face |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
FISH | First In, Still Here |
FLAG | Foreign Language Association of Georgia |
FYI | For Your Information |
GF | Girlfriend |
GIF | Graphics Interchange Format |
HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
HR | Human Resources |
ID | Identification |
IDK | I Don't Know |
IMO | In My Opinion |
IQ | Intelligence Quotient |
IRL | In Real Life |
KISS | Keep It Simple, Stupid |
LASER | Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation |
LDR | Long-Distance Relationship |
LMK | Let Me Know |
LOL | Laughing Out Loud |
MADD | Mothers Against Drunk Driving |
MBA | Master of Business Administration |
MD | Medical Doctor |
MIA | Missing In Action |
MLA | Modern Language Association |
MOTOS | Member Of The Opposite Sex |
MOTSS | Member Of The Same Sex |
MST | Mountain Standard Time |
NAFTA | North American Free Trade Agreement |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NASDAQ | National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations |
NBA | National Basketball Association |
NFL | National Football League |
NHL | National Hockey League |
NIMBY | Not In My Backyard |
NOYB | None Of Your Business |
OMG | Oh My God |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
OT | Overtime |
OTC | Over The Counter |
PANS | Pretty Awesome New Stuff |
PAWS | Progressive Animal Welfare Society |
PGA | Professional Golfers' Association |
PHAT | Pretty, Hot, And Tempting |
POG | Passion fruit, Orange, and Guava |
POS | Parents Over Shoulder |
POS | Point Of Service |
POTUS | President Of The United States |
POW | Prisoner Of War |
PPV | Pay-Per-View |
PR | Public Relations |
PS | Postscript |
PST | Pacific Standard Time |
RADAR | Radio Detection And Ranging |
REAP | Reserve Educational Assistance Program |
RNC | Republican National Committee |
ROFL | Rolling On the Floor Laughing |
SCOTUS | Supreme Court of the United States |
SCUBA | Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus |
SMART Goals | Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound Goals |
SMH | Shaking My Head |
SO | Significant Other |
SONAR | Sound Navigation And Ranging |
SOWETO | South Western Townships |
SPCA | Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals |
SUV | Sports Utility Vehicle |
SWAT | Special Weapons And Tactics |
SWOT | Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats |
TASER | Thomas A. Swift Electric Rifle |
TBA | To Be Announced |
TBD | To Be Determined |
TTYL | Talk To You Later |
UFO | Unidentified Flying Object |
UN | United Nations |
USAF | United States Air Force |
VBD | Very Bad Date |
WTH | What The Heck |
WWE | World Wrestling Entertainment |
YOLO | You Only Live Once |
ZIP | Zone Improvement Plan |